Words in Watchet: Stories in the Wild with Author Emma Bettridge and her dog Nell

Stories in the Wild with Author Emma Bettridge and her dog Nell

DATE: 17/02/2024
TIME: 14.00
COST: £5

Session for ages 5-8 years (children must be accompanied by an adult)

This is a fun, story-generating workshop with Somerset children's author Emma Bettridge and her Labrador Nell. During the workshop, we will walk down The Mineral Line to gain inspiration. We will then go to the Creator Space at East Quay to write and use dictaphones to record stories and ideas. It is a relaxed, interesting and inspiring workshop for children aged 5-8 years.

The workshop will start and finish at East Quay, Creator Space. The short walk along The Mineral Line follows a gravelled path, which can be slightly muddy, so please wear suitable footwear. Please note that the workshop involves Nell the dog - a very friendly and lovely Labrador (please don't bring any animals of your own with you on the walk, thank you).

Booking required.

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