
All the information you need from the latest stories of East Quay in the press, to images for news reporting, how to arrange press photography and news filming at East Quay Watchet and more.
Recent press about East Quay
The Guardian:
October 2021:'It began with cider' Oliver Wainwright:
December 2021: 'Rooms for improvement' Sally Howard:
January 2022:The year the lights came on; the best art and architecture of 2021:
The Financial Times:
September 2021: Regeneration: How five women opened a £7m arts centre to create opportunities: Hazel Sheffield:
Architecture and Design Press:
Dezeen:East Quay arts centre takes cues from ad-hoc harbour buildings: Amy Frearson
Architecture Today: East Quay: Mellis Howard:
Wallpaper Magazine: East Quay: arts and community landmark revives English harbour town: Nasra Abdullahi:
Riba Journal: Piers Taylor adds local flavour to Watchet with East Quay community space: Eleanor Young:
High resolution images of East Quay exhibitions and activities are available for editorial use and news reporting. All images must be reproduced with full and correct captions. For more information, or to arrange press trips and interviews please contact:
Photography & Filming
For all commercial filming or photography requests within East Quay, please contact us.
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