
Past exhibition: Jon England

Jon England: Hour Hands in Watchet 27.03.19-Present

Jon England's town-wide exhibition was part of a programme called Shifting Somerset, the aim of which was to nurture local talent—encouraging artists to take risks, experiment with their creativity and broaden their ambition. It also reflected that resonance for local audiences is often greater if artists come from the same communities as they do.

Jon is an experienced Somerset-based artist, whose meticulously-researched work often has a historical reference and uses labour-intensive methods of production. For Contains Art, Jon's commission comprised a series of works sited in and around the town two of which were 'nail' works (images formed by thousands of nails) and the others largescale photographic works (a new departure for Jon). All took the historic mineral line that once ran from the Brendon Hill's into Watchet's port, as their inspiration.

The two nail works continue to be displayed in Watchet - one on the side of the Market House Museum and one adjacent to the Watchet Sea Defence Mural. One of his photographic images can also still be seen on the front of the Watchet Boat Museum as you head into Watchet over the Railway Bridge.


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